Tuesday 14 February 2012

So Few Have Seen Our Brilliance

For some reason it has taken me an absolute age to get my / our first video on to YouTube. May be it was the technical catastrophes that befell our aging computer and camera equipment, may be it was purely because I was scared to do it, scared that someone I knew would see it and laugh at me and not with me.

Whatever the reason that held me back I finally filmed and edited an introduction video to Transmit7 and uploaded it to the famous website to join the millions of users and audience members.  I thought I’d give it a go and if someone did see it then at least that would be one person.

By the Tuesday morning, right now in fact, the video had received a whopping 5 views. I was amazed at how few people had actually seen it and I was one of them. I uploaded it on Sunday night after all and titled it ‘My First Time Caught on Camera’, saucy title I know, definitely one that would grab the YouTube people’s attention. 

Our Twitter following has grown to over 6000 over several accounts and by tweeting the link and telling everyone to go and see our first video that I would at least gain 100 views quite quickly. How wrong was I? Even repeat retweeting of the link hasn’t done much. I know it isn’t the greatest video in the world, but they don’t know that until they are there afterall.

I’m not going to let this knock me, I know it is hard to get people to watch stuff that isn’t made by already famous YouTubers. I’ll keep going, don’t worry.

Here’s the link if you would so kindly help keep my faith in the project, oh and tell a friend please: http://t.co/d5GzoOqA

Follow us on Twitter: @Transmit7

Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Film That Dyed Red or Trouble With Commitment

You may have followed my dribblings on Twitter recently about the film I am (supposedly) making with and old college friend of mine and how it isn’t going too well. Last night he told me that one of the leads had dyed her hair red and put on a stone.

I nearly pissed myself when the director told me that. I told him to use semi pros on a no pay basis, but his list of ‘friends who could’ is quite extensive so I left him to it. It only goes to show you that people aren’t committed to anything unless money is involved or at least a ‘need’ to be involved that out ways the ‘want’ to be involved in the first place. By that I mean if an actor wants to have a showreel they at least have to make some stuff to put on it and there lies the ‘need’ rather than the ‘want’.  If you only want something you can walk away, if you need it then you have to make a real commitment. 

So we’ve decided that if the actors can’t be committed to filming in January then we will postpone the shot until the spring when the weather will be better and all red dye might have grown out.   

Time For An Update...

Let’s get down to it... we have been f*cking lazy, it’s true and I am not going to sugar coat it or make excuses. We have, in fact, made nothing.

Having said that there is a strong possibility that the New Year will allow for some video work to start happening. I think the first and easiest thing we are going to produce is a feature called ‘The World According To Tag’.  This would have happened sooner if I hadn’t come in to antiquated PC problems and none compatible HD support for everything to do with my PC. Did that sound like an excuse? 

I didn’t realise how cold it was going to be in my shed. So cold in fact that the camera stopped working properly, not to mention that I would have frozen to death by now.

One thing I have come to realise is that keeping it simple is the only way to go. If you want to make you tube videos you have to keep it simple. Why waste your time and probably money on over elaborate videos, when there’s no need?

So from the New Year ‘TWATT’ will be launched. I’m not going to say too much about it here, yet, but it should be fun.

Once again, sorry for being f*cking useless.   

Thursday 10 November 2011

All I Want For Christmas...

Do you know what I asked for this Christmas? Of course you don't, I ask for slippers, a dressing gown and two sets of PJs. I don't have these things, no one buys me these things, ever and I feel like I am missing out! What's Christmas for anyway if you don't get slippers and a dressing gown?  (I am not a moron so don’t try and put me right with your religious mumbo-jumbo).
I find it hard to come up with anything that I want for Christmas. There are plenty of things that I would like, but the majority of them cost a fortune and I’d probably not use them even if I got them.  I would like a sh*t hot editing suite as mine is, as you probably know from my Twitter rantings, old school. I’d like a bunch of DVD’s, but I pay for Sky Movies every month and can’t quite ask for something I’m already getting, if you know what I mean?

I don’t want for much and to tell people to spend the money that they don’t have on me of all people seems just wrong.  They will just spend it on cigarettes and wine anyway, but at least they’ll be in less debt than they were before old White Beard started dragging his sack around once more.

And I do want a pair of slippers, laminate floor is so cold, a dressing gown, I love slobbing around and PJ’s well the cold night air doesn’t do much for your family jewel’s pride. I do love Christmas, mainly because I’m not at work and because at Christmas it is fine to drink whiskey and coffee together at 10am in the morning, sometimes they aren’t even in the same drinking vessel.  I like to live dangerously... in the safety of my own home.

Monday 7 November 2011

Time Kills Ambition

Time kills ambition. There I’ve said it. What I mean by that is a few months ago I was all hopping around getting excited about making a few videos, something I haven’t done for years, over a decade in fact. Then a sh*t storm of PC trouble came my way.  I filmed my first single hander as I call them, no sexual references hidden away in that title I assure you.  I then went to edit it on my laptop and quickly found that my expensive folding computer that I only purchased a few years ago, is in fact bobbins (olde world English for w*nk.)

So a few weeks went by and I re-acquired my old editing PC tower station thingy I had given away to my Father-in-law, which he never used, some months back.  I found that the editing software I used to use doesn’t support HD and so I had to find a new one. I updated my editing software to be told my graphics card in this PC was also bobbins.  I kind of knew that this would be the case, but had my fingers crossed.  Not tightly enough it seems.  

I have purchased the only PCI HD graphics card I can find on the interweb and tonight I am hopefully going to install it. No doubt I will probably find out that it is still not good enough and my whole video making comeback will by then be kaput.

Time kills ambition? Well, yes it has taken me so long to get to this stage that I kind of can’t be bothered. However, I know that if it does work then I will regain the enthusiasm that has waned over the last month or so...
... and you lot have probably given up waiting to see my ugly mug anyway.