Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The Film That Dyed Red or Trouble With Commitment

You may have followed my dribblings on Twitter recently about the film I am (supposedly) making with and old college friend of mine and how it isn’t going too well. Last night he told me that one of the leads had dyed her hair red and put on a stone.

I nearly pissed myself when the director told me that. I told him to use semi pros on a no pay basis, but his list of ‘friends who could’ is quite extensive so I left him to it. It only goes to show you that people aren’t committed to anything unless money is involved or at least a ‘need’ to be involved that out ways the ‘want’ to be involved in the first place. By that I mean if an actor wants to have a showreel they at least have to make some stuff to put on it and there lies the ‘need’ rather than the ‘want’.  If you only want something you can walk away, if you need it then you have to make a real commitment. 

So we’ve decided that if the actors can’t be committed to filming in January then we will postpone the shot until the spring when the weather will be better and all red dye might have grown out.   

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