After many years of quiet, almost silent thoughts on re-entering the business we call show (although we were never in it – until now), Phil and I have begun a quest to halt our aging process and immortalise ourselves in the pages of the big book of history and to fulfil the lifelong need for love and affection from more than just our cats.
We once moved through the halls of education bounding our way, via the pub, to the movie world to take our rightful places with the likes of Spielberg, Lucas, Scott (Ridley not Tony although Top Gun kicked arse for it’s time) and many other great directors who informed our juvenile years.
Unfortunately this never happened and we got wives and houses and babies and aged rapidly with the loss of many years sleep. However, we never stopped wanting to be part of the biggest picture of all and although the flames of ambition were nearly flicked out by life in all it’s drudgery we finally came up with Transmit7.
Transmit7 is the home of our new video stuff. Comedy, drama and novelty will adorn our YouTube account for the world to revel in our fun and merriment. There may even be something worth watching... over time. We’ll try and keep everything down to under 3 minutes so you don’t get bored or caught by the boss watching our latest uploaded video.
Although I have scars, deep physiological scars, from school yard bullying that I had to endure, Transmit7 has this as our motto: ‘Please, feel free to laugh at us.’ (This motto will change frequently and may sometimes, like our videos, include swear words, you’ve been warned.)
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