Friday, 8 July 2011

The End of The Website... WTF?

The website, or at least a holding page, was launched a few days ago. We thought that we would try and get something up to show that we were really trying to get the ball rolling. Unfortunately, having nothing to put on it at this time was just wasting your time... so we pulled it.

If you are reading this (at the time of publishing anyway) you will know that if you visit it takes you straight to our blog pages, which has all we have to offer right now. If that makes sense? I hope so. The blog pages are easy to update and incorporate our video bits and bobs, quite frankly I don’t know why we were trying to do a website as well. Maybe in the future when we are big and famous then we’ll pay someone to do it for us, for some reason or other.

Anyway, to more important things, over the last three weeks we have been working on building our twitter following for @Transmit7 and after only a short time we have gone passed 300 followers. Thank you to everyone who is taking the @Transmit7 ride, we know that it is a slow one at the moment, but when the momentum picks up you’ll be in for a... well a slightly more entertaining trip.

Please get as many of your followers to jump on board and remember we all like a good rant and if we offend anyone by doing so (Harry Potter fans in particular) we are truly sorry... resisting another dig at the Harry Potter franchise right now. 

Please follow @Transmit7 we want 350 followers by the end of next week or the big dog will bite my leg for not trying hard enough.

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